Kiss Cam
I was a Kiss Cam virgin when we went to see the Orioles at Camden Yards a couple of years ago. The minor league ball field near my house in Maine didn’t feature a big video screen, so I was surprised...
View ArticleThe Church after DOMA–Thomas J. Bushlack
This morning the U.S. Supreme Court handed down two decisions that will have a great impact upon the legal status of same-sex couples in the United States. In United States vs. Windsor, a 5-4 ruling...
View ArticleEqual Recognition
We’ve said it over and over this past week. “Hello, Federally Recognized Wife!” It’s part of our celebration of and wonder at the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Windsor v. United States. Two women...
View ArticleEntirely Spiritual And Deeply Political
A few weeks ago, I was part of a conversation among some LGBTQ Christian activists in which my friend Vivian Taylor said, “I view this work as entirely spiritual and also as deeply political.” For many...
View ArticleWhat Now? Notes on Catholic Social Teaching, Public Policy, and the Midterm...
Last week’s midterms were good for Team Red. The GOP took back the Senate to gain control of both houses of Congress, extended the number of governorships they hold to 31 (with Alaska still too close...
View ArticleQUICK TAKES – Do the New State “Religious Freedom” Laws Ensure Such Freedoms,...
In this week’s edition of QUICK TAKES on current and newsworthy issues involving religion and theology by POLITICAL THEOLOGY TODAY, we look at the very recent national controversy over legislation...
View ArticleSame-Sex Marriage: Game Over? (Ludger Viefhues-Bailey)
American Evangelicals and their rumblings on marriage equality will stay with us. This resilience is not simply because of the impact of their networks and numbers but because their resistance reflects...
View ArticleSCOTUS Decision on Marriage Equality Does Not Address The Underlying Issue of...
This past weekend my Facebook and Twitter feeds were awash with rainbow colors and expressions of patriotic love for the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). The Court’s decision in Obergefell...
View ArticleQUICK TAKES – The Legality and Larger Meaning of Kentucky Clerk’s Refusal To...
The refusal of Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis to issue marriage licenses to LGBT couples on grounds of religious conscience has set off a storm of national controversy in recent days and has resulted...
View ArticleFred Phelps and the Traditionless Right
It is hard to find a sympathetic response to Fred Phelps’s death. Since the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church died last week, most of the commentaries that I have encountered—both online and in...
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